Saturday, December 27, 2008

Merry Christmas, Et. Al.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Merry Christmas to everyone. Erik was so fun this year. He would open a present and get so involved playing with it that he would be too busy to open any other presents. It was really cute and so refreshing because he was greatful for his present and not coveting another.

How do people find time for hobbies. I thought I would have time to blog (quick easy hobby), but goodness - I can't find time to do anything other than work and housework. Oh well.

For those of you who were following the weight loss contest at work - I didn't win. I came in second place. I think if I had lost another half pound I would have tied for first. So, no spending money for me. I had fun though. I understand that we are doing it again in January.

I have decided to have surgery for sleep apnea on Jan. 16th. I am not doing everything that the docs recommended for me. The moving of the jaws seems a little extreme to me. So, I will be having my deviated septum fixed, my tonsils removed, and my palate trimmed. Then I have to have another sleep study to see if it helped. I am really hoping that it fixes it enough because jaw surgery is not really what I want to do. I am not looking forward to the surgery, though. It sounds really painful.

I hope to be able to do some shopping with my mom before I have to go back to work.

I am also hoping to buy a laundry basket and make a cute liner for it for a toy basket.

I hope Erik doesn't have a hard time going back to school.