Saturday, July 5, 2008

Erik's Epics - July

Erik's favorites right now are Gerber yogurt melts and fruit chews (gummy bear like things). He also loves cheese, baked beans, and bananas (The Huggies Corporation loves us!). He loves Baby Einstein videos (he'd watch them all day long if we let him). He loves to play outdoors, especially to dig in the dirt with a stick and ride the neighbors tricycle. He also loves our neighbors' dogs Maggie and Patch. He loves to read. He likes to play ball.

His favorite books are Goodnight Moon, God Made Puppies, Dr. Maisy, and Goodnight Gorilla.

He likes to jabber. He says dog, ball, mama, dada, outside, meow, moo, wuff, quack, cracker, truck, Elmo, more, no, yes, and his favorite what's that (sounds like wassat).


Secretfire said...

He is so cute!!! Even if I do say so myself.

Ken & Cindy said...

Thanks for the picture of Erik. I haven't seen one of him in a long time. Cute!

baloney said...

what a cutie pootie!