Sunday, July 12, 2009

Chick-Fil-A & the Leeds Police Are My Heros

Erik and I decided to go to Chick-Fil-A on Friday for lunch because it was Cow Appreciation Day. We donned cow ears and spots (if you wore cow stuff you got a free entre). When I was unbuckling Erik from his car seat, the cow ears started blowing away. I pushed the door partially closed to chase after the cow ears, and when I did the door shut all the way with the keys, my cell phone, purse, and ERIK inside, and of course, the car was locked.

I immediately ran into Chick-Fil-A and told an employee, a very nice older gentlemen named Larry (I think Larry is a manager). Larry sprung into action. He told the owner he was headed outside. He sent another employee, a very sweet lady whose name I didn't catch, out with me. We stood outside the car and made faces and talked to Erik so he would stop crying. Larry called the Leeds Police and came outside with wet paper towels in hand. He stood by the trunk of my car so the Leeds Police would know where to stop. A few minutes later (it seemed like an eternity but it probably wasn't any more than a five minutes) the Police Man showed up. He used a plastic wedge and a metal rod and had the door open in seconds.

Once Erik was out, Larry had me take off Erik's hat and wipe his face with the wet paper towel. Erik cried because he loves his hat, so we put his hat back on. We thanked everyone, and Larry declared free ice cream for Erik. Then we all went inside and continued Cow Appreciation Day.

It was so extraordinary for Chick-Fil-A to send two employees out to the parking lot with me when the store was covered up with customers (Erik and I got the last parking spot in the lot). Not only that Larry took the time to make sure that the girl who took my order knew to get Erik ice cream, and Larry and the lady who came to the car with me came to check on Erik several times while we ate.

Erik loved the ice cream and was afraid of the cow. He did manage to give the cow a high-five and tell him "Happy Birthday."

Needless to say, I owe Leeds Police and Chick-Fil-A thank you notes.

I am certainly thankful that God gave me peace and calm through it all too. It was like as the situation was happening God was giving me clear thoughts about what to do at each step. When the door closed, God gave me the thought to check all the doors. When they were locked, he gave me the thought to go and tell someone behind the counter at Chick-Fil-A (appologies to the lady I nearly ran over going to the counter). He gave me clear thoughts to go immediately back to the car and talk to Erik to keep him calm. He also gave me clear thought about what to do if the police could not be there quick enough.

So, I guess that mom "right of passage" is complete. I am ready for a vacation.

1 comment:

Carpenters said...

oh, Michelle, how scarey. Under the circumstances it sounds like you handled it very well.